Think differently.

Lots of big businesses, maybe yours, claim they’re different or one of the so-called leading [blank for you to fill] in their sector. But few spell out what makes them special, let alone the edge it gives their clients.

For services, it’s often hard to pin down. Even when you do, it’s hard to describe in a way that’s concise and credible, which leads some firms to imitate their nearest neighbour, which imitates its nearest… and so on. This explains why so many sound alike, not to say dull.

What you say and how you say it (your brand language) shape whether people notice your firm, and what they think, feel or do – or don’t – afterwards. I’ve seen first-hand the difference getting the words right makes. And that’s why I help clients say what they mean in their internal and external comms.

I write widely, and by choice I’m not a subject matter expert. Better still, I think like an outsider – a client, prospect or employee – who’s keen to know what’s different and special about your firm.

Curious about the finer points of why you’re better than your rivals, I delve beyond the nonsense they go on about, to answer the “So what?” question.

Dwight gets to the heart of a story or message and builds it out without fluff. He is an outstanding copywriter and editor. He creates clear copy that sparkles and helps us tighten copy originated elsewhere.

Katryna Turner, Director, SE5 Marketing

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