An independent writer, with co-writers, for professional services firms: I turn your experts’ insights — drawn from interviews I do — into articles, awards submissions, reports, thought pieces and so on. You get content that sets your firm apart from the current sea of sameness your rivals put out. 

Long story



Think differently, write differently. Your language shapes whether people take note of your firm and what they think, feel or do afterwards. But when your rivals use the same words, it’s hard to stand out. So ditch “transformative”, “cutting edge”, “solutions” and the rest – and write differently. Write a must-read your clients and prospects must read. Or, get me to write it. I help firms like yours say what they mean when they need to show what sets them apart.


How we’ll work. I play the part of a curious outsider, a messenger. Together, we’ll pick out the number-one message you want your audiences to remember. From there, I’ll write original content around it. Here’s how: in-depth prep, focused interviews with your subject matter experts to unpack what they think and why it matters, outline, write-up. It’s an efficient way to turn your experts’ thoughts into a must-read without taking too much of their time. Questions get to the heart of what your clients, prospects or employees would want to know and understand.


What I do. The subject matter doesn’t matter. I write on all sorts of topics – business, finance, law – and everything from one-off articles to full-blown reports to global websites, not forgetting internal comms news stories and quarterlies. 


Read all about me. I’m Dwight Leatham, a writer – ex-Freshfields, ex-White & Case; I have 14+ years’ experience working with global law firms and other professional services. I win awards for clients – names I wish I could drop here, though NDAs mean otherwise – and beyond awards, other clients often describe my work as “a success”. But don’t take my word for it. The proof is in the reading, and I’d be happy to send you samples so you can gauge if I’m a good fit for your projects.


Join me as a writer. I’m on the lookout for freelance writers who are near obsessed with words. You’ll work with me and some mahoosive companies on articles, case studies, reports, you name it. You must be able to get your head around some pretty complex topics. And you should be naturally curious about the stories that make up the FT and theWall Street Journal.


Contact. Interested? Let me know how I can help: call +44 7780 993750 or email.

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